Taare Zameen Par (Like Stars on Earth) Every Child Is Special was a 2007 Bollywood film in the direction Aamir Khan and written by Amole Gupte. This movie explored the life and imagination of a 8-year old boy Ishaan portrayed by Darsheel Safary.He exceled in art but very poor in academically that led his parents to send him to boarding school. Ishaan received the same treatment to his teachers. Crazy, lazy, idiot, no future were few of words his teachers threw at him if he didn't get the exam of his teachers discussion. Then later on in the film, he met his new art teacher that suspects him to have dyslexia and helped him to overcome Ishaan's disability.
According to Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia about this movie, it made its theatrical debut in India and UTV Home Entertainment released a DVD for Indian audiences in 2008. In less than two years, Walt Disney Home Entertainment released an international edition DVD titled Like Stars on Eath, marking the first purchase of distribution rights for an Indian film by a global company. The movie Received several awards including Filmfare Best Film Award for 2008 and National Film Award for Best Film on Family Welfare. It was also India's official entry for the 2009 Academy Awards Best Foreign Film which failed the film to progress to the nominations short list sparked a debate about why no Indian film has ever won an oscar. Media outlets made comparison between Taare Zameen Par and the British Slumdog MIllionaire which won several Oscars that same year.
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Personally, when my friend recommended me this movie, I wasn't attracted to watch but when she told me that this movie is all about a child who has dyslexia which is the disability to read and write, then, I had the interest. I watched it and finished it in one setting which usually I didn't do in watching movie since I can only watch here in the office. It took me 2 hours and 43 minutes however, I felt good. I cried a lot. I understood so much. My heart bled for Ishaan. This movie really helped me understanding more those little precious and special children around me.
My passion to be with the children aroused more when I knew this movie. In my mind rolled many plans like pursuing my graduate studies about Special Education and eventually work with those special children. I love Ishaan. I see many children having the same situation as his. Parents who don't understand their situation and people who bully and discrimate them.
My prayer is that, may the parents love and accept fully their child. May they give the right attention and care especially if they have special needs. "Care" is what these children need. They are still worthy of our time and effort. It's just that, they are beyond our normal world that why we call them "special".
I highly recommend this movie to those parents, friends or anyone who know someone who is very special and has special needs. May they be able to learn also from this movie.
Here are some pictures of the movie that I "googled" in the net.
photo: Google |
A happy face of Ishaan Nandkishore Awasthi or Darsheel Safary in real life. An eight-year old boy who dislikes school and unfortunately fails every test and exam. He finds all subjects difficult and belittled by all hi teachers and classmates. He also received LOTS of bullies. However, Ishaan's world is full and rich of colorful and wonderful things that he unable to convey with others, those magical lands with animated animals and the outer space with all by himself's journey. He is definitely an unrecognized artist.
photo: Google |
Ishaan finds a little strength and befriended with his seatmate Rajan who is disabled but one of the top students in his class. In this scene, their new art teacher Nikumbh motivates them by asking questions about those famous people that has the same disability with Ishaan. He was surpirsed because Ishaan never knew about those people, Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci were the few mentioned in this movie. At the end of the story Rajan was really happy when the principal announced that Ishaan won the art/painting contest in their school.
photo: Google |
Ram Shankar Nikumbh or Aamir Khan in real life who plays as an Art Teacher in the boarding school and discovers the life of Ishaan when he joins the faculty. He studies all the notes of Ishaan, every stroke of his pen and the spelling. His teaching style is markedly different from other teachers who are very strick but he quickly observes that Ishaan is unhappy and contributes a little in class activities. One day, Nikumbh visits Ishaan's parents and asks if he can see more of their son's work. He is stunned and surprise by the sophistication of Ishaan paintings and tells his parents that he is a bright child who possesses information differently from other children.
To make Nikumbh's story short in here, he is the one who makes Ishaan free of his world and be accepted in the school and society as himself.
photo: Google |
photo: I print screened it while I was watching in the youtube. |
photo: I print screened it while I was watching in the youtube. |