Friday, June 24, 2011


Having known my interest about movies, this one I will share is one of the best movies ever for me. It's totally different. The title is "Babe", is a Australian-American film in the direction of Chris Nooman. The character is a pig but bearing those other animals like dogs, sheep, duck, cat and many others. They are being played by a combination of real and animatronic pigs and Border Collies. According to the source I searched on the internet, the movie was a critical box office success and was nominated for 7 Academy Awards including Best Picture but lost to Braveheart. Oh! remember Braveheart? It was such a nice movie too. The success made launched a sequel "Babe: Pig In the City", I'm gonna watch that after this.

Anyway, the movie was being introduced to me by my student. It made me interested since it was all about animals and I was thinking about funny and animated scenes they might have. However, to my surprise, it was not what I expected to. It was almost real. I was really amazed to the extent that every line I was really into it. The characters threw fantastic lines and the pig's personality realized me that it is equitable to treat other people well. To keep on trying said the mother dog and the only way you'll find happiness is to accept that they way things are is the way things are stated the cow.

And ops! I salute also the narrator of the movie. He delivered well his part.

Here now some of the lines in the movie Babe:

Narrator: Fly decided to speak very slowly, for it was a cold fact of nature that sheep were stupid, and there was nothing that could convince her otherwise.
Fly: Please, someone tell me... what happened this morning.
Narrator: The sheep decided to speak very slowly, for it was a cold fact of nature that wolves were ignorant, and there was nothing that could convince them otherwise.
Sheep: It was Babe... he saved us... the wolves killed Maa... But Babe drew the wolves away! 

Babe: I'm sorry I bit you. Are you alright?
Sheep: Well, I wouldn't call that a bite myself. You got teeth in that floppy mouth of yours or just gums?
[Babe bursts out laughing and so does the other sheep]
Maa the Very Old Ewe: You see, ladies? A heart of gold. 

Cat: Oh, do forgive me for scratching you dear. I got a bit carried away. It's a cat thing.
Babe: [laughs] Oh, well, but...
Cat: Feeling good about tomorrow, are you?
Babe: Mm-hmm, it should be alright, I think.
Cat: You know, I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm not sure if you realize how much the other animals are laughing at you for this sheep dog business.
Babe: Why would they do that?
Cat: Well, they say that you've forgotten that you're a pig. Isn't that silly?
Babe: What do you mean?
Cat: You know, why pigs are here.
Babe: Why are any of us here?
Cat: Well, the cow's here to be milked, the dogs are here to help the Boss's husband with the sheep, and I'm here to be beautiful and affectionate to the boss.
Babe: Yes?
Cat: [sighs softly] The fact is that pigs don't have a purpose, just like ducks don't have a purpose.
Babe: [confused] Uh, I - I don't, uh...
Cat: Alright, for your own sake, I'll be blunt. Why do the Bosses keep ducks? To eat them. So why do the Bosses keep a pig? The fact is that animals don't seem to have a purpose really do have a purpose. The Bosses have to eat. It's probably the most noble purpose of all, when you come to think about it.
Babe: They eat pigs?
Cat: Pork, they call it - or bacon. They only call them pigs when they're alive.
Babe: But, uh, I'm a sheep pig.
Cat: [giggles] The Boss's husband's just playing a little game with you. Believe me, sooner or later, every pig gets eaten. That's the way the world works. Oh, I haven't upset you, have I?

 Babe: Baa-ram-ewe! Baa-ram-ewe! To your breed, your fleece, your clan be true! Sheep be true! Baa-ram-ewe!
Sheep: [finally begins to speak] What - what did you say? 

This is the last part which make me awe to this movie more. I definitely congratulate to the writers, director and staffs behind this awesome film.

The scene of the pig with the cat touched me so much. I felt sorry for the pigs because I eat them (pork). I wish to communicate with the animals. Hahaha great imagination huh

Kudos Babe!

Line's Source:
photo: Google

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