Tuesday, June 7, 2011


photo: I "googled" it.
Watching the first movie of Kung Fu Panda gave me the enthusiast to watch the second part. The story was simple but the impact was great not mentioning the lessons in it. The main character, Po, was very innocent. Yet, surely, a lot loved him the way he was and is in the movie most especially to the children. Funny and action were my type of movie added a little fantasy. Perfect for my taste! Now let's kickoff my favorite scenes and lines in these two movies. 
Kung Fu Panda 1
Po: The Furious Five! You look a lot bigger than your action figures! Except you, Mantis. You're about the same. 
Imaging this scene with great awe in Po's eyes seeing the Furious Five showed his innocence as a person like a child.He had lots of knowledge about Fung Fu's history, The Sword of Heroes and etc. 

Oogway: [walking towards Po] Ah! I see that you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom!
Po : [Po turns around with a lot of peaches stuffed in his mouth] Oh! Is that what this is? I'm so sorry! I just thought it was a regular peach tree! 
I couldn't forget this line and scene where I saw in Po's eyes the sadness because he couldn't do the training well. So, in his free time, he spent in this tree contemplating when Oogway walked toward him. They had a good conversation. I couldn't drew a blant when Oogway said; "There are no accident."... " There was no accidents either." and "You must believe." - my favorite line in this movie. 

Po: Maybe I should just quit and go back to making noodles.
Oogway: Quit, don't quit? Noodles, don't noodles? You are too concerned about what was and what will be. There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."
I was really surprised when I heard this. After all, people got this line in this movie. Hahaha I was too late to realized that. That means, we should not deal more of what will happen next, or think too much of what happened already. It'll waste out time. Instead, let's treasure today, it's a gift and make the most out of it. Enjoy!

Shifu: [intercepting Po, who is fleeing the temple after learning he has to face Tai Lung soon] You cannot leave! A real warrior never quits!
Po: Watch me!
[tries to run around Shifu]
Po: Come on! How am I supposed to beat Tai Lung? I can't even beat you to the stairs!
Shifu: You will beat him because you are the Dragon Warrior!
[pokes Po in his stomach]
Po: You don't believe that!
[Shifu swipes at his hand with Oogway's stick]
Po: You never believed that! From the first moment I got here, you've been trying to get rid of me!
[Shifu knocks him to the ground]
Shifu: Yes! I was! But now I ask you to trust in your master as I have come to trust in mine.
Po: You're not my master. And I'm not the Dragon Warrior.
Shifu: Then why didn't you quit? You knew I was trying to get rid of you, yet you stayed!
Po: Yeah, I stayed. I stayed because everytime you threw a brick at my head or said I smelled; it hurt, but it could never hurt more than everyday of my life just being me. I stayed because I thought if anyone can change me, can make me not me, it was you! The greatest kung fu teacher in all of China!
Shifu: I can change you! I can turn you into the Dragon Warrior! And I will!
Po: Come on! Tai Lung is on his way here right now! And even if it takes him a hundred years to get here, how are *you* gonna change *this* into the Dragon Warrior? Huh? How? How? How!
Shifu: I don't know!
Shifu: I don't know.
Po: [sighs and frowns sadly] That's what I thought.
I cried in this scene, really. I felt the emotions of these who characters. I couldn't say anything but applaused them and the people behind this movie. Really great!

Next scenarios were the training of Po. The face-off with Tai Ling. The Furious Five fought together with Po and so on. 

To end this, a proud father of Po.
Mr. Ping: That's my boy! That beautiful kung-fu warrior is my son!
Po: Thanks, Dad. 

In Kung Fu Panda 2, "Inner Peace" was my favorite part. I couldn't afford to forget this for I know how important this to me. Though I don't have this perfectly in my heart, but learning this in the movie made me try harder achieve. I wish.  

Tigress: The hardcore do understand, but I can't watch my friend be killed.

Po: Scars heal.  
Lord Shen: No, they don't. Wounds heal. 
Po: Oh, right. What do scars do? Fade?
Lord Shen: I don't care what scars do!

Po: You should Shen. You got to let go of the stuff from past, because it just doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now.
This line made my eyes awaken in the area of my life where I still deal on my past. I hardly thought about not forgiving myself completely. I was like brutal on myself. (Sigh) "The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now." - helped me recognize the things that are important today. Learning also to forgive myself and others.And letting go of my past.
Master Shifu: Remember dragon warrior, when you follow the noble path, anything is possible.
When I read this, I considered "noble path" as the path of Jesus where I know following Him puts and makes everything possible as to "All thing are possible in Him".

Thank you Kung Fu Panda! Kudos!

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