Thursday, June 2, 2011


photo: I googled it.
I just couldn’t get through it all the meaningful lines in the movie Braveheart one of which was; “It’s all for nothing if you don’t have freedom.” William Wallace, the main character. He fought not to gain titles, lands, men or power but he fought for his countrymen’s freedom. What a good purpose for fighting, isn’t it? Here are some memorable scenes in this movie that I couldn’t help but reminiscing and they’re all getting into my veins. (Hehehe char! OA ra) I even could still imagine how the characters acted and their facial expressions were soooo touching.

Robert the Bruce: Lands, titles, men, power, nothing.
Robert the Bruce: I have nothing. Men fight for me because if they do not, I throw them off my land and I starve their wives and their children. Those men who bled the ground red at Falkirk, they fought for William Wallace, and he fights for something that I never had. And I took it from him, when I betrayed him. I saw it in his face on the battlefield and it’s tearing me apart.
Robert’s Father: All men betray. All lose heart.
Robert the Bruce: I don’t wanna lose heart. I wanna believe as he does.

—-This was the confrontation of son to his father about the lesson and the realization about fighting a good fight and choosing what is right.

William Wallace: There’s a difference between us. You think the people of this country exist to provide you with position. I think your position exists to provide those people with freedom. And I go to make sure that they have it.
William Wallace: Lower your flags and march straight back to England, stopping at every home you pass by to beg forgiveness for a hundred years of theft, rape, and murder. Do that and your men shall live. Do it not, and every one of you will die today.  

—-These two lines of William Wallace showed a lot of courage and a braveheart to start the battle for freedom. No signs of doubt or fear. 

Princess Isabelle: I understand you have suffered. I know… about your woman.
William Wallace: [pauses] She was my wife. We married in secret because I would not share her with an English lord. They killed her to get to me. I’ve never spoken of it, I don’t know why I tell you now, except… I see her strength in you. One day, you’ll be a queen. And you must open your eyes. You tell your king that William Wallace will *not* be ruled… and nor will any Scot while I live.

—-A confession of a lover who lost a loved one for no apparent reason - Murron.

William Wallace: I love you. Always have. I wanna marry you.

—-I will marry you too:D Wow! Lovely words coming from a man. If I’ll have the chance to hear these words, I think, I will melt. Hahaha

Malcolm Wallace: Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.

—-The first line I memorized. Doing things without your freedom is like doing things in prison. The Lord gave us the freewill to choose so exercise it but make sure that you use it for good reasons. FREEDOM!

Source of the lines:

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